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Canberra and Region Multiple Birth Association Inc.

Red Nose Safe Sleep Information Session

Wed, 31 Mar 2021
19:30 - 20:30

Red Nose provides safe sleep education and training to parents, healthcare professionals and early learning services Nationwide helping to ensure the safety of infants and babies during sleep and reduce the risk of sudden unexplained infant death.

Red Nose is the National Authority in sleep safety and provides comprehensive, easy to access advice in a variety of different formats to suit all audiences.

The Red Nose education and support program is underpinned by the latest medical research in the field and contributed to the 85% reduction rate of sudden unexpected death in infancy in this country.

In the session, you will learn about: - Red Nose and the scope of our work - The difference between SUDI and SIDS - Understand the importance of the Six Safe Sleeping Recommendations to keep your baby safe - Where to access information and support - Transition from NICU/SCN - Safe Sleeping arrangements for multiples

Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85385345606?pwd=OXNkK2xNNWZGdERqbW0ySlZZSFVJQT09 Meeting ID: 853 8534 5606 Passcode: 391353

Ticket Type Price
Red Nose Safe Sleep Information Session $0.00 Sale Ended

Australian Capital Territory, Australia

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