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Canberra and Region Multiple Birth Association Inc.

MEMBERS EVENT- Support Group

Tue, 18 Apr 2023
12:30 - 13:30

The group is a safe space for multiple parents to talk openly. Each meeting there will be a topic to share on or share anything going on for you which you would like to talk about. It will run for 1 hour and there is plenty of parking on site and pram access into the building. Prams and babies are welome.

We would love to see some new faces- please contact CARMBA or secretary@carmba.org.au  if you have any questions about attending.

If you're not a CARMBA member yet, but would like to be, you can join here and enjoy all the benfits!

Ticket Type Price
1x general admission $0.00 Sale Ended
Lyons Church Of Christ
2 Marrawah St, Lyons ACT 2606, Australia

Australian Capital Territory, Australia

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